Schulung - IBM 6XL936G - Managing ModelOps with IBM Cloud Pak for Data V4.8
Live Online oder Präsenz
952,00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
This learning offering tells a comprehensive story of Cloud Pak for Data, and how you can extend the functions with services and integrations. You explore some of the services, and see how they enable effective collaboration across an organization. In this course, you use IBM Knowledge Catalog, Watson Query, and Watson Studio (including Data Refinery and AutoAI). You also examine some of the industry accelerators that are available on the platform.
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
Architect, Consultant, Data Specialist, Program Management
Before you start this course, you should be able to complete the following tasks:
- Explain the purpose of Cloud Pak for Data and the value it brings to the business
- Describe the architecture of Cloud Pak for Data
- Differentiate between Cloud Pak for Data and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
- Define the AI Ladder and its associated roles and services
You can review these skills in the Solution Architect - Associate learning path.
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises
Inhouse Seminare
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- Individueller Termin
- Individueller Ort, entweder in unseren Trainingszentren oder in Ihren eigenen Räumen
- Auf Wunsch, individuelle, auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnittene Inhalte
Inhouse Seminare
Das Inhouse-Paket umfasst:
- - die Durchführung als Live Online, Hybrid oder Präsenz Training
- - die Umsetzung durch praxiserprobte und branchenerfahrene Trainer
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