Schulung - Efficient projects through agile methods
Scrum, Kanban & Co.
Live Online oder Präsenz
"Agile" methods are characterized above all by the fact that they focus on questions of improving and controlling communication within a project, instead of relying exclusively on the formal rules of an orderly development process. After this training you will have a well-founded overview of the constantly growing spectrum of agile methods of software development. You will be able to make a qualified assessment of the possible use of the methods presented. Additionally you will have an idea of the challenges that the introduction of an agile method poses to a development organization.
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
The training "Efficient projects through agile methods" is adressed at managers, project managers, software engineers and consultants, but is also suitable for all other people who want to work in agile projects in the future.Voraussetzungen
Experience in IT projects. Knowledge of software development and design patterns is advantageous as many of the methods presented are explicitly intended for software development projects. In principle, however, the basic principles of most methods can also be applied outside software development.Trainingsprogramm
The seminar "Efficient projects through agile methods" is conducted by trainers with many years of experience in agile projects. Lectures, exercise examples, exchange of experience and discussions alternate during the training in a meaningful way.
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