Schulung - AWS Security Governance at Scale
- Live Online oder Präsenz
946,05 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
Course Introduction
- Instructor introduction
- Learning objectives
- Course structure and objectives
- Course logistics and agenda
Module 1: Governance at Scale
- Governance at scale focal points
- Business and Technical Challenges
Module 2: Governance Automation
- Multi-account strategies, guidance, and architecture
- Environments for agility and governance at scale
- Governance with AWS Control Tower
- Use cases for governance at scale
Module 3: Preventive Controls
- Enterprise environment challenges for developers
- AWS Service Catalog
- Resource creation
- Workflows for provisioning accounts
- Preventive cost and security governance
- Self-service with existing IT service management (ITSM) tools
- Lab 1: Deploy Resources for AWS Catalog
- Create a new AWS Service Catalog portfolio and product.
- Add an IAM role to a launch constraint to limit the actions the product can perform.
- Grant access for an IAM role to view the catalog items.
- Deploy an S3 bucket from an AWS Service Catalog product.
Module 4: Detective Controls
- Operations aspect of governance at scale
- Resource monitoring
- Configuration rules for auditing
- Operational insights
- Remediation
- Clean up accounts
- Lab 2: Compliance and Security Automation with AWS Config
- Apply Managed Rules through AWS Config to selected resources
- Automate remediation based on AWS Config rules
- Investigate the Amazon Config dashboard and verify resources and rule compliance
- Lab 3: Taking Action with AWS Systems Manager
- Setup Resource Groups for various resources based on common requirements
- Perform automated actions against targeted Resource Groups
Module 5: Resources
- Explore additional resources for security governance at scale
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Lösungsarchitekten, Security-DevOps-Personal und Sicherheitsingenieure.
- AWS Security Fundamentals (digitaler Kurs)
- 'AWS Security Essentials'
- AWS Cloud Management Assessment
- Introduction to AWS Control Tower
- Automated Landing Zone course
- Introduction to AWS Service Catalog
Unterlagen in Englisch
- 795,00 € NettoNoch freie PlätzeJetzt buchenonline TrainingLive Online Training
- 795,00 € NettoNoch freie PlätzeJetzt buchenonline TrainingLive Online Training
- 795,00 € NettoNoch freie PlätzeJetzt buchenonline TrainingLive Online Training
- 795,00 € NettoNoch freie PlätzeJetzt buchenFast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer GmbHParkring 2285748 Garching
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