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Schulung - Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform

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Module 1: Introduction to Data Engineering
  • Explore the role of a data engineer.
  • Analyze data engineering challenges.
  • Intro to BigQuery.
  • Data Lakes and Data Warehouses.
  • Demo: Federated Queries with BigQuery.
  • Transactional Databases vs Data Warehouses.
  • Website Demo: Finding PII in your dataset with DLP API.
  • Partner effectively with other data teams.
  • Manage data access and governance.
  • Build production-ready pipelines.
  • Review GCP customer case study.
  • Lab: Analyzing Data with BigQuery.
Module 2: Building a Data Lake
  • Introduction to Data Lakes.
  • Data Storage and ETL options on GCP.
  • Building a Data Lake using Cloud Storage.
  • Optional Demo: Optimizing cost with Google Cloud Storage classes and Cloud Functions.
  • Securing Cloud Storage.
  • Storing All Sorts of Data Types.
  • Video Demo: Running federated queries on Parquet and ORC files in BigQuery.
  • Cloud SQL as a relational Data Lake.
  • Lab: Loading Taxi Data into Cloud SQL.
Module 3: Building a Data Warehouse
  • The modern data warehouse.
  • Intro to BigQuery.
  • Demo: Query TB+ of data in seconds.
  • Getting Started.
  • Loading Data.
  • Video Demo: Querying Cloud SQL from BigQuery.
  • Lab: Loading Data into BigQuery.
  • Exploring Schemas.
  • Demo: Exploring BigQuery Public Datasets with SQL using INFORMATION_SCHEMA.
  • Schema Design.
  • Nested and Repeated Fields.
  • Demo: Nested and repeated fields in BigQuery.
  • Lab: Working with JSON and Array data in BigQuery.
  • Optimizing with Partitioning and Clustering.
  • Demo: Partitioned and Clustered Tables in BigQuery.
  • Preview: Transforming Batch and Streaming Data.
Module 4: Introduction to Building Batch Data Pipelines,
  • EL, ELT, ETL.
  • Quality considerations.
  • How to carry out operations in BigQuery.
  • Demo: ELT to improve data quality in BigQuery.
  • Shortcomings.
  • ETL to solve data quality issues.
Module 5: Executing Spark on Cloud Dataproc
  • The Hadoop ecosystem.
  • Running Hadoop on Cloud Dataproc.
  • GCS instead of HDFS.
  • Optimizing Dataproc.
  • Lab: Running Apache Spark jobs on Cloud Dataproc.
Module 6: Serverless Data Processing with Cloud Dataflow
  • Cloud Dataflow.
  • Why customers value Dataflow.
  • Dataflow Pipelines.
  • Lab: A Simple Dataflow Pipeline (Python/Java).
  • Lab: MapReduce in Dataflow (Python/Java).
  • Lab: Side Inputs (Python/Java).
  • Dataflow Templates.
  • Dataflow SQL.
Module 7: Manage Data Pipelines with Cloud Data Fusion and Cloud Composer
  • Building Batch Data Pipelines visually with Cloud Data Fusion.
  • Components.
  • UI Overview.
  • Building a Pipeline.
  • Exploring Data using Wrangler.
  • Lab: Building and executing a pipeline graph in Cloud Data Fusion.
  • Orchestrating work between GCP services with Cloud Composer.
  • Apache Airflow Environment.
  • DAGs and Operators.
  • Workflow Scheduling.
  • Optional Long Demo: Event-triggered Loading of data with Cloud Composer, Cloud Functions, Cloud Storage, and BigQuery.
  • Monitoring and Logging.
  • Lab: An Introduction to Cloud Composer.
Module 8: Introduction to Processing Streaming Data
  • Processing Streaming Data.
Module 9: Serverless Messaging with Cloud Pub/Sub
  • Cloud Pub/Sub.
  • Lab: Publish Streaming Data into Pub/Sub.
Module 10: Cloud Dataflow Streaming Features
  • Cloud Dataflow Streaming Features.
  • Lab: Streaming Data Pipelines.
Module 11: High-Throughput BigQuery and Bigtable Streaming Features
  • BigQuery Streaming Features.
  • Lab: Streaming Analytics and Dashboards.
  • Cloud Bigtable.
  • Lab: Streaming Data Pipelines into Bigtable.
Module 12: Advanced BigQuery Functionality and Performance
  • Analytic Window Functions.
  • Using With Clauses.
  • GIS Functions.
  • Demo: Mapping Fastest Growing Zip Codes with BigQuery GeoViz.
  • Performance Considerations.
  • Lab: Optimizing your BigQuery Queries for Performance.
  • Optional Lab: Creating Date-Partitioned Tables in BigQuery.
Module 13: Introduction to Analytics and AI
  • What is AI?.
  • From Ad-hoc Data Analysis to Data Driven Decisions.
  • Options for ML models on GCP.
Module 14: Prebuilt ML model APIs for Unstructured Data
  • Unstructured Data is Hard.
  • ML APIs for Enriching Data.
  • Lab: Using the Natural Language API to Classify Unstructured Text.
Module 15: Big Data Analytics with Cloud AI Platform Notebooks
  • Whats a Notebook.
  • BigQuery Magic and Ties to Pandas.
  • Lab: BigQuery in Jupyter Labs on AI Platform.
Module 16: Production ML Pipelines with Kubeflow
  • Ways to do ML on GCP.
  • Kubeflow.
  • AI Hub.
  • Lab: Running AI models on Kubeflow.
Module 17: Custom Model building with SQL in BigQuery ML
  • BigQuery ML for Quick Model Building.
  • Demo: Train a model with BigQuery ML to predict NYC taxi fares.
  • Supported Models.
  • Lab Option 1: Predict Bike Trip Duration with a Regression Model in BQML.
  • Lab Option 2: Movie Recommendations in BigQuery ML.
Module 18: Custom Model building with Cloud AutoML
  • Why Auto ML?
  • Auto ML Vision.
  • Auto ML NLP.
  • Auto ML Tables.

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Wer sollte teilnehmen:


Dieser Kurs richtet sich an erfahrene Entwickler, die für die Verwaltung von Big-Data-Transformationen verantwortlich sind, zum Beispiel:

  • Daten extrahieren, laden, transformieren, bereinigen und validieren
  • Pipelines und Architekturen für die Datenverarbeitung entwerfen
  • Modelle für maschinelles Lernen und Statistik erstellen und warten
  • Datasets abfragen, Abfrageergebnisse visualisieren und Berichte erstellen


Für maximale Lernerfolge sollten die Teilnehmer folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllen:

  • Abgeschlossener Kurs 'Google Cloud Fundamentals: Big Data and Machine Learning' oder gleichwertige Kenntnisse
  • Grundkenntnisse in gängigen Abfragesprachen wie SQL
  • Kenntnisse in Datenmodellierung, Extraktion, Transformation und Ladeaktivitäten
  • Kenntnisse im Entwickeln von Anwendungen mit einer gängigen Programmiersprache wie Python
  • Vertrautheit mit maschinellem Lernen und/oder Statistik


  • Module 1: Introduction to Data Engineering
  • Module 2: Building a Data Lake
  • Module 3: Building a Data Warehouse
  • Module 4: Introduction to Building Batch Data Pipelines,
  • Module 5: Executing Spark on Cloud Dataproc
  • Module 6: Serverless Data Processing with Cloud Dataflow
  • Module 7: Manage Data Pipelines with Cloud Data Fusion and Cloud Composer
  • Module 8: Introduction to Processing Streaming Data
  • Module 9: Serverless Messaging with Cloud Pub/Sub
  • Module 10: Cloud Dataflow Streaming Features
  • Module 11: High-Throughput BigQuery and Bigtable Streaming Features
  • Module 12: Advanced BigQuery Functionality and Performance
  • Module 13: Introduction to Analytics and AI
  • Module 14: Prebuilt ML model APIs for Unstructured Data
  • Module 15: Big Data Analytics with Cloud AI Platform Notebooks
  • Module 16: Production ML Pipelines with Kubeflow
  • Module 17: Custom Model building with SQL in BigQuery ML
  • Module 18: Custom Model building with Cloud AutoML


Unterlagen in Englisch

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    Fast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer GmbH
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Schulung - Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform