Schulung - Product Management I - Market and customer orientation for product managers
Module 1
Live Online oder Präsenz
- Zertifizierung
- 4REAL4REAL© steht für eine neue Generation der Weiterbildung: heterogene und personalisierbare Trainings für einen nachhaltigen Lerntransfer in die Arbeitsumgebung. Mehr erfahren
Product managers are entrepreneurs within the company. Their task is to manage products successfully and profitably, strategically and operationally. In this seminar, you will learn about modern, tried-and-tested tools for product managers. You will know, at which point in time which decisions are required in product management. You will be familiar with analysis-, innovation- and planning-methods in order to make these decisions future oriented and on a qualified base. You will be aware of your role as a product manager and can position yourself accordingly within your company. You will understand the interfaces to other critical functions in your company and to the market. You will learn to use "customer centricity" and agile ways of thinking in product development and can present yourself as a partner close to the market.
As a result, you will be able to become the engine and driving force for your products and services in your company. This seminar is the ideal prerequisite for the personal certification "Certified Product Manager (ISMI)", through which you can document your competence in product management.
Please click here to learn more about the certification proess: Product management certification.

Wer sollte teilnehmen:
Managers who plan a product management organization, junior product managers, all employees who have current or future product management responsibilities.Voraussetzungen
No special knowledge is required.Trainingsprogramm
Lecture, individual and group work, discussion, case studies.
This training is part of our certification path to become a "Certified Product Manager (ISMI)". By attending this training, you qualify for the first part of the certification path. To get to the second part of the certification path, please attend the training "Course number 11013". Afterwards you are ready to start the certification process to become Certified Product Manager (ISMI). You would like to have further information? Please click here:
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- Individueller Ort, entweder in unseren Trainingszentren oder in Ihren eigenen Räumen
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Inhouse Seminare
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- - die Durchführung als Live Online, Hybrid oder Präsenz Training
- - die Umsetzung durch praxiserprobte und branchenerfahrene Trainer
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