Schulung - IBM AS27G - Advanced System Operator Workshop for IBM i
Live Online oder Präsenz
2.856,00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
This course is designed to enhance the skills of a IBM i System Operator. In this class, we will explain the concept of how LPAR works and discuss the functions provided by the HMC. We will discuss the IBM i Access Family of products in general and Access Client Solutions, specifically.
We will discuss the different types of security that you can implement in order to control who has access to your data and what they can do with that data if they are allowed access. We will discuss security control via system values, user and group profiles, authorization lists, and adopted authority.
This course will help you to develop additional skills in the areas of work management and how to create a basic CL program. In the area of CL programming, we will discuss concepts of programming, then how to create a basic CL program using the traditional application development tools PDM and SEU. You will also learn the steps to create a menu using SDA. You will learn some tips that you can use to help improve your IBM i operations. We will also discuss about journaling overview and some tips which improved operator work.
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
This advanced course is designed for those individuals who are responsible for operating and managing the operation of an IBM i system.
You should be able to:
- Perform basic system operations such as starting and stopping the system; sending and receiving messages; saving and restoring objects, libraries, and user profiles; and executing CL commands
- Describe an interactive job and a batch job
- Use help facilities
- Describe basic security concepts
- Monitor devices
- Initiate problem determination
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises
- 2.400,00 € NettoNoch freie PlätzeJetzt buchenonline TrainingLive Online Training
- 2.400,00 € NettoNoch freie PlätzeJetzt buchenonline TrainingLive Online Training
- 2.400,00 € NettoNoch freie PlätzeJetzt buchenonline TrainingLive Online Training
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