Schulung - IBM ES15G - z/OS Facilities
Live Online oder Präsenz
4.760,00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
This classroom course introduces the base elements, optional features, and servers that are provided in z/OS. It focuses on the system service facilities that are provided by the z/OS Base Control Program (BCP). It teaches the students the functions of major software base elements in the management of jobs, tasks, storage, data, and problems. It also addresses how these functions can be affected by the system programmer.
Students are introduced to the services provided by the servers which execute in the z/OS environments, such as the Communications Server and the Security Server. Installation packaging options and steps to install the z/OS environments also are introduced.
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
This class is designed for persons who are new to the z/OS platforms but have a technical background in information technology. It is intended for those who require an in-depth understanding of z/OS.
You should have a basic knowledge of IS technologies and also should be familiar with z/OS concepts and how these systems support the Enterprise servers. This knowledge can be obtained by attending An Introduction to the z/OS Environment (ES050). Youd should also have practical experience with logging on to TSO and working with JCL. This experience can be obtained by attending z/OS Quick Start (ES10A)
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises
Further seminars from the IBM area.
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Inhouse Seminare
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- - die Durchführung als Live Online, Hybrid oder Präsenz Training
- - die Umsetzung durch praxiserprobte und branchenerfahrene Trainer
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