Schulung - IBM OL20G - Control Language Programming Workshop for IBM i
Live Online oder Präsenz
3.808,00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
Learn to write easy to use and efficient control language (CL) programs which may be used to perform a variety of system and application control functions. You are taught to write basic and intermediate level, interactive, and batch CL programs, user commands, and CL programs that function as user tools (programs that use the output of display commands as input).
You will learn to write Control Language (CL) programs which may be used to perform a variety of system and application control functions. You will be taught to write basic and intermediate level interactive and batch CL programs as well as programs that function as user tools (programs that use the output of display commands as input).
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
This intermediate course is for application programmers, system programmers, and others who have a need to write control language programs.
You should be able to:
- Write simple programs in another programming language
- Perform basic IBM i operations
- Code the commands necessary to send inquiry and information messages
- Use data description specifications (DDS) and the Rational Development Studio (formerly known as Websphere Development Studio, WDS) tools (Programming Development Manager (PDM) and source entry utility (SEU)) to create physical, logical, and display files
- Use the WDS tools to enter CL source statements and create CL programs
- Describe basic work management
- Create a library, output queue, and a job description
These prerequisites can be met through successful completion of the following courses:
- Introduction to IBM i for New Users (OL98G)
- IBM i Technical Introduction (OL4AG)
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises
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