Schulung - IBM SNV1G - SAN Volume Controller (SVC) Planning and Implementation Workshop
Live Online oder Präsenz
3.808,00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
Plan and implement IBM SAN Volume Controller in your data center!
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Distinguish the concepts of IBM Spectrum virtualization
- Recall the history for IBM SAN Volume Controller
- Classify the characteristics and components of the IBM SAN Volume Controller system and SAS attached expansion enclosures
- Outline setups required to integrate an SVC system solution
- Summarize the SVC systems’ ability to scale for capacity and performance
- Summarize the virtualization process converting physical storage space into virtual resources
- Recall the process to create host access storage on an SVC system
- Differentiate the advanced software features designed to simplify data management, reclaim storage space, and preserve storage investments
- Differentiate methods in which to migrate data to and from the virtualized system environment
- Summarize the methods of remote data replications to improve availability and support for disaster recovery
- Employ administrative operations to manage, monitor, and troubleshoot the system environment
- Summarize the characteristics of IBM Storage Insights’ ability to identify, troubleshoot and minimize potential system downtime
- Summarize 3-Site Replication and Safeguarded Copy
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
This intermediate lecture and exercise-based course is for individuals who are assessing and/or planning to deploy networked storage virtualization solutions.
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises
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