Schulung - IBM SSFS1G - IBM FlashSystem Fundamentals
Live Online oder Präsenz
952,00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
Enterprise data is growing exponentially. This data explosion is making commonly accepted practices of data management inadequate. Social, mobile, cloud, big data, and analytics are driving an explosion in data volumes and causing new challenges for data protection, disaster recovery, regulatory requirements, and standards for compliance. Data management has become one of the highest priorities of organizations today.
The IBM FlashSystem products are designed to help companies improve performance and reduce server sprawl, power consumption, cooling, and floor space requirements. All of this in turn can help clients save money, improve performance, and invest more in innovation. The IBM FlashSystem family can help you take control of your storage, harness existing data, and manage your IT infrastructure in a much more cloud-like fashion.
This course will aim to provide the basics of flash storage systems, specifically IBM’s portfolio in this area.
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
Enrollment in this course is not restricted. Typical students may include:CustomersTechnical IBM personnelBusiness Partner technical personnelIT consultants and architects
You should have a basic understanding of data storage in enterprise environments. You may want to consider taking:
- SS01G: Introduction to Storage
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises
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