Schulung - IBM TN205G - IBM Instana Foundations
1.904,00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
IBM Instana helps in managing application performance in real-time and maximizing uptime with automated full-stack observability. This course provides information about the architecture and functionality of IBM Instana to help you understand the value proposition. You learn essential user interface techniques, creating application perspectives, and how to use dashboards to monitor the services. In addition, this course teaches about distributed tracing and the AutoTrace feature that helps in quickly tracing issues down to the root cause. You also learn the differences between alerts, issues, and incidents and how to create alerts to notify team members when certain criteria are met. You also learn how the Smart Alerts simplify the alerting configuration. IBM Instana automatically discovers, maps, and monitors all services and infrastructure components, providing complete visibility across every layer of your application stack. The course also teaches about Unbounded Analytics, Synthetic Monitoring, Log Management, and custom dashboards. Built on a foundation of real-time granularity and high-fidelity data, IBM Instana delivers actionable insights that your IT teams can leverage to enhance application performance and drive operational efficiency and reliability.
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
System Administrators, DevOps, App Developers
- Fundamental understanding of distributed applications
- Knowledge of Linux is a plus
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises
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