Schulung - IBM TN777G - Cloud Pak for Network Automation 2.1 Administration and Configuration
Live Online oder Präsenz
1.904,00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
This course is intended to teach the skills that are needed to successfully install, configure, and use Cloud Pak for Network Automation (CP4NA) 2.1. This course is the second part of instructor-led or self-paced training in Cloud Pak for Network Automation and focuses on hands-on lab exercises to describe, deploy, and manage VOIP and telco components. The prerequisite course DL10032G focuses on the fundamental principles, architecture, and terminology of CP4NA.
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
This course is intended for systems engineers, technical support professionals, system administrators, administrators, and deployers of CP4NA 2.1.
- Completion of basic training on IBM Cloud Paks
- Completion of IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation Foundations course or its online equivalent.
- Proficiency in the deployment of Red Hat OpenShift™ containers
- Understanding of telecommunications concepts
- Proficiency in command-line tools such as the vi editor in Linux and Red Hat OpenShift commands
- Ability to use VPN, SSH, and GitHub repository
- Ability to edit Red Hat OpenShift configuration files
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises
Inhouse Seminare
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- Individueller Termin
- Individueller Ort, entweder in unseren Trainingszentren oder in Ihren eigenen Räumen
- Auf Wunsch, individuelle, auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnittene Inhalte
Inhouse Seminare
Das Inhouse-Paket umfasst:
- - die Durchführung als Live Online, Hybrid oder Präsenz Training
- - die Umsetzung durch praxiserprobte und branchenerfahrene Trainer
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