Schulung - IBM WD515G - Create, Secure, and Publish APIs with IBM API Connect 10
Live Online oder Präsenz
4.760,00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
This course teaches you how to configure a newly built API Connect 10 environment.
You are taught how to configure a catalog with the gateway, portal, and analytics services and set up the environment for API development. You then define API interfaces according to the OpenAPI specification. You build SOAP and REST based APIs along with a GraphQL API. You assemble message processing policies and define client authorization schemes, such as OAuth 2.0, in the API definition. You verify the proper sequencing of policies in the assembly tester and further test your APIs in the new Test tab and Local Test Environment. After building and testing your APIs, you publish them and make them available on the Developer Portal. You manage all aspects of the provider organization in the API Manager user interface to create, publish, version, and retire API artifacts such as products, plans and APIs themselves. You also learn how to manage consumer organizations who use the APIs that are made available on the Developer Portal. You learn how to add members to the consumer organization that provides access to the APIs on the Developer Portal. You learn how the layout of the Developer Portal can be customized. Finally, you call the APIs on the secure gateway and you view the graphs and metrics of API usage.
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
This course is designed for API developers.
- Basic understanding of web services and protocols
- Basic understanding of application programming
- Conceptual knowledge of APIs
- Basic understanding of Red Hat Linux
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises
Further seminars from the IBM area.
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