Schulung - IBM WE761G - Administration of IBM DataPower Gateway V7.6
- Live Online oder Präsenz
2.856,00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
IBM DataPower Gateway Appliances are network devices that help secure, integrate, and optimize access to web, web services, mobile, and API workloads. Through instructor-led lectures and hands-on lab exercises, you learn how to run various administrative procedures, from initial installation and setup through ongoing maintenance of the appliances in production. You learn about the available management interfaces, such as the command-line interface (CLI), Web Management graphical interface, and XML Management Interface. You also learn how to use these interfaces to run various administrative tasks, such as upgrading firmware, running backup and restore operations, and configuring user accounts and domains. The course includes some information on upgrading firmware and working with DataPower hardware appliances.
This course exercises uses the following appliances:
- DataPower Gateway Virtual Edition
Information in the course units also applies to other DataPower appliances.
The lab environment for this course uses the Ubuntu Linux Operating System on an ESX image that runs on the IBM Remote Lab Platform.
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
This course is designed for administrators who install, manage, and monitor IBM DataPower Gateway Appliances. The course is also relevant for developers who administer appliances.
You should be familiar with:
- Security-based concepts and protocols
- Ubuntu Linux
- Networking protocols
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises
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