Schulung - IBM WF318G - Developing Applications in IBM Datacap V9.1.7
- Live Online oder Präsenz
3.808,00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
This course provides technical professionals with the skills that are needed to build Datacap applications.
The course begins with an introduction to IBM Datacap. You learn about capture concepts, Datacap process, page identification methods, and architecture. You process batches for Datacap applications in the Datacap clients.
You learn about the design and components of a Datacap application. You build a Datacap application by using Forms Template in Datacap Studio and configure it. You learn how to troubleshoot a Datacap application. You configure a Datacap application to process documents of multiple page types in a single batch. You implement OCR and OMR to extract data from data fields and from multiple choice check boxes. You export data to a text file and also to an IBM FileNet Content Manager repository.
You build page layouts, create virtual page blocks, and extract data from tables and label-value pairs.
Through instructor-led presentations and hands-on lab exercises, you learn about the core features of IBM Datacap.
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
This course is intended for application developers of IBM Datacap.
Familiarity with data capture concepts
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises
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