Schulung - IBM WM646G - IBM Integration Bus V10 System Administration
- Live Online oder Präsenz
4.760,00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
This course gives administrators training on IBM Integration Bus system administration. It is also relevant for IBM Integration Bus developers who also work in an administrative capacity. In this course, you learn how to administer IBM Integration Bus on distributed operating systems, such as Windows and UNIX, by using the IBM Integration Bus administrative interfaces. These interfaces include the IBM Integration web user interface and the IBM Integration Bus commands. The course begins with an overview of IBM Integration Bus. Subsequent topics include initial product installation and maintenance, environment configuration, and basic administrative tasks such as backing up and recovering the environment. You learn about product requirements, securing access to IBM Integration Bus resources and message flows, problem determination and resolution, and performance monitoring and tuning. You also learn techniques for extending the capabilities of IBM Integration Bus. The course also covers the publish/subscribe model and reviews the Java Message Service (JMS) transport protocol and web services. In the course lab exercises, you gain hands-on experience with IBM Integration Bus administrative tasks such as managing IBM Integration Bus runtime components, monitoring message flow applications, and configuring security.
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
This course is designed for IBM Integration Bus administrators and developers who administer IBM Integration Bus.
Before taking this course, you should have hands-on experience with the Windows operating system, and be familiar with basic security practices and protocols such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). Experience with IBM Integration Bus message flow development and IBM MQ system administration is helpful, but not required.
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises
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