Schulung - VMware Horizon 7: What’s New [V6.x to V7.x]
Live Online oder Präsenz
2.558,50 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
This three-day, hands-on course gives you the skills to upgrade from VMware Horizon® 6 to VMware Horizon® 7. It also introduces the new features in VMware Horizon 7 that enable you to deliver virtual desktops and applications through a single virtual desktop infrastructure platform. In addition to performing an upgrade, you will use many of the new features available in VMware Horizon 7 to instantly provision virtual and remote desktops and applications.
By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
- Identify the versions of VMware Horizon components
- Upgrade View Connection Server to VMware Horizon 7
- Upgrade View Composer to VMware Horizon 7
- Upgrade VMware Horizon® Client™ systems to Horizon Client 4.6
- Upgrade Horizon Agent to Horizon Agent 7
- Describe the new features in VMware Horizon 7
- Configure and manage automated pools of instant clones
- Use VMware User Environment Manager™ to manage user personalization and application configurations
- Describe how to deploy profile management
- Use VMware App Volumes™ to provision and manage applications
- Troubleshoot upgrade issues
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
Technical IT personnel responsible for the delivery of remote or virtual desktops, applications, and services
Customers attending this course should have attended the VMware Horizon (with View): Install, Configure, Manage course or have equivalent experience. Students must have experience managing a VMware Horizon deployment.
Unterlagen in Englisch
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