Schulung - VMware Horizon 7: What’s New [V6.x to V7.x]
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2.558,50 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
1 Course Introduction
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- Review course objectives
- Review the course outline
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2 Evolution of VMware Horizon
- Recognize the new features and benefits of VMware Horizon 7
- Identify the major function of each VMware Horizon 7 component
- Compare the remote display protocols that are available in VMware Horizon
3 Upgrading to VMware Horizon 7
- Outline the steps to upgrade to VMware Horizon 7
- Describe how to upgrade View Connection Server, View Composer, Horizon Client, and Horizon Agent
- Describe the licensing for VMware Horizon 7
- Identify the new features in VMware vSphere® 6.5
4 Creating and Managing Instant-Clone Desktop Pools
- Describe instant clones
- Identify the advantages of instant clones
- Distinguish View Composer clones from instant clones
- Identify the requirements of instant clones
- Describe the types of instant-clone virtual machines
- Explain how folders are used to delegate pool administration
- Outline the steps to set up an automated pool that uses instant clones
- Describe instant-clone limitations in VMware Horizon 7
- Describe the creation of instant clones
- Set up an automated pool of instant clones
5 Managing VMware Horizon Security
- Compare tunnels and direct connections for client access to desktops
- Compare the benefits of using either Horizon Security Server or VMware Unified Access Gateway™ in the DMZ
- Identify the tunnel endpoints when the security gateway is not used
- Explain a direct connection
- List the advantages of direct connections
6 Profile Management Using User Environment Manager
- Identify the use cases and benefits of using User Environment Manager
- Preparing infrastructure for User Environment Manager
- Outline the steps to install and configure User Environment Manager components
- Use User Environment Manager Management Console and Application Profiler to manage user personalization and application configurations
7 Creating RDS Desktop and Application Pools
- Explain the difference between a Remote Desktop Services (RDS) desktop pool and an automated pool
- Describe how a user can access a single application by using the RDS application pool
- Describe the relationship between an RDS host, a farm, and an application pool
- Create an RDS desktop pool and an application pool
- Explain how View Composer linked-clone technology can automate the build-out of RDS server farms
- Describe the load-balancing options for RDS hosts
8 Using App Volumes to Provision and Manage Applications
- Explain how App Volumes works
- Identify the features and benefits of App Volumes
- Identify the interface elements of App Volumes
- Install and configure App Volumes
9 Troubleshooting an Upgrade
- Describe Horizon Help Desk Tool
- Describe tools that can be used to help when an upgrade fails
- Describe common failures that can occur during an upgrade
- Identify the log locations for each VMware Horizon component
- Describe how to upload logs to VMware Support
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
Technical IT personnel responsible for the delivery of remote or virtual desktops, applications, and services
Customers attending this course should have attended the VMware Horizon (with View): Install, Configure, Manage course or have equivalent experience. Students must have experience managing a VMware Horizon deployment.
Unterlagen in Englisch
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