Schulung - IBM TN201G - Administering Environments with IBM Instana Observability
- Live Online oder Präsenz
1.904,00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
In this course, you learn how to perform observability and application performance monitoring functions using IBM Instana Observability. You learn the architecture of Instana and how the data flows from the sensors and tracers, through the agents, and to the big data backend. You learn essential user interface techniques and how to create application perspectives and to use their dashboards to monitor the services. In addition, this course describes distributed tracing and how IBM Instana AutoTrace works and how to quickly trace issues down to the root cause. You also learn how the differences between changes, issues, and incidents and how to create alerts to notify team members when certain criteria is met. You experiment with establishing roles for users with group permissions. And you learn how to create custom dashboards to help you keep track of the things for which you are responsible.
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
This course is designed for those who need to know what Instana is capable of doing for their enterprise, for those who need to maintain the stability and uptime of their applications, and for those who are interested in optimizing performance and response times and user experiences.
- Fundamental understanding of distributed applications
- Knowledge of Linux a plus
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises
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