Schulung - IBM W7L165G - Building Advanced Intelligent Virtual Agents in IBM watsonx Assistant
Live Online oder Präsenz
952,00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
The overall intention of watsonx Assistant is to enable the user to interact from anywhere and to engage with any company data.
This course enables the student to create watsonx Assistant instances that resolve multiple user tasks through the access of channels like webchat, telephone and third-party customer service applications like GENESYS and custom extensions that hold proprietary real time data, as well as, provide generative AI interactions.
A persona and its personality are important chrematistics of the users' interaction. Emotions, tone, language can call impact a user's experience and thus the company's image.
Actions contain steps which begin with conditions that evaluate user, session, and extension variables and decide whether specific steps should run or not run.
Primary actions can orchestrate a complex system of tasks by sending users to subactions and their requests to different custom extensions. Journeys provide the user with assistance to complete complex tasks already available in a web site using the techniques of Show, Tell, and Do. The user can switch between chat and web site functionality and back to chat using a number of different tools like images, text, video, and interactive iFrames.
watsonx Assistant includes the preview function which provides a number of debugging tools which allow the practitioner to find the value of variables, steps, confidence scores, and extension properties.
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
This course is designed for students who have completed Introduction to Intelligent Virtual Agents with IBM Watson Assistant (beginner) and Building Intelligent Virtual Agents with IBM Watson Assistant (intermediate). Or, for students who have had experience with the new Watson Assistant or watsonx Assistant.
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises
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