Schulung - IBM TN412G - Configuring IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps Event Manager
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1.904,00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
The Event Manager component of IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps is a carrier-class service assurance system. It collects and consolidates events and alarms from a wide variety of IT environments in real time. These include servers, mainframes, Windows systems, applications, circuit switches, voice switches, IP routers, SNMP devices, network management applications, existing management systems and frameworks, among many others.
IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps Event Manager also adds intelligence to your events, allowing you to cast a wide net to ingest relevant data from any source, process it in an intelligent, automated way, analyze the data, see which applications or parts of the infrastructure are impacted, share it and even suggest guided steps to mitigate or resolve issues automatically.
One key benefit of Event Manager's machine learning features is a reduction in the number of events. By detecting, correlating, grouping, and suppressing the 'noise' that IT systems generate, your operators can focus their attention on key events that represent actual problems.
This 2-day course teaches you how to configure IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps v3.2 Event Manager for productive use. Through hands-on lab activities, you learn how to configure a new installation of Event Manager to:
- Connect to event sources and enrich incoming events
- Apply machine learning to find relationships among events
- Add topology data to identify groups of connected resources and calculate root cause
- Create automated fixes for known problems and match them to incoming problem events
You also get hands-on practice with other common configuration tasks, such as user management and database customization. This course focuses on IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps Event Manager running on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.
Wer sollte teilnehmen:
This course is intended for administrators of IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps Event Manager.
- Experience with Linux
- Basic SQL knowledge
- Working knowledge of Kubernetes
- Experience with Red Hat OpenShift Container platform (RHOCP)
- Experience with IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps Event Manager is helpful, but not required
presentation, discussion, hands-on exercises
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